Wrestling with Love with Jason Rich and Be

Wrestling with Love is a larger body of work incorporating elements of Sensual Wrestling, primal play and play fighting. These fundamental practices create the container to hold each other in our struggles with life and work through the emotions that can arise when having something to resist against. Kittens, puppies and other mammals use mock fighting or roughhousing as a way to learn boundaries, self-defense and attunement, while bonding with their siblings. Wrestling with Love creates similarly safe space for this type of processing and learning. 


Jason is a creature that champions receiving the wide range of sensations which life evokes. With 23+ years of deepening into his bodywork practice he pulls from a wide range of modalities in order to be with and help facilitate the movement of the different nuances of what people wrestle with inside of themselves.

With a multifaceted passion for holistic wellness and self-exploration, Jason is deeply immersed in the transformative practices of yoga and dance, finding solace and self-expression in their fluid movements and spiritual depths. He indulges in the art of massage and wrestling, embracing touch and physicality as vehicles for both relaxation and intense engagement. Beyond the body, understanding archetypes and being fascinated by the symbolic language of the psyche and its reflection in the human experience is a driving force for him.



Be has many passions, creating Everything Everywhere All At Dance and using wrestling as a medium for personal growth, empowerment and play!  So Be is over the moon to be bringing the two together into one event.

Be did wresling in grade school but really reconnected with wrestling when at a play party and saw a small group of folx wrestling. After that experience Be starting bringing wrestling mats to play parties and was surprised by the amount of interest. Be has been visioning developing a body work of wrestling both as a private practice and day/weekend long workshops.

So now Be and Jason Rich are teaming up to deepen Sensual Wrestling and expand into Wrestling with Love, diving deeper into the emotional realms that are accessible through wrestling, primal play and play fighting.


DJ Lala Love

LALALOVE is a multi-dimensional artist weaving her passion for music, dance, and prayer with intuitive soul-sound & body bumping’ beats for a genre-bending palate of flavors.

DJ Exuberance

DJ Exuberance

DJ Exuberance (Eric Severson) first fully felt the transcendant power of dance music when he was brought to Burning Man the summer after high school. His explosive enthusiasm on the dance floor found a natural home at Ecstatic Dance Oakland, where he has been a regular since 2012.

Now through DJing, he has found the fullest channel for spreading this infectious energy to the crowd. A dancer first and foremost, his sets are filled with tracks that inspire movement, ranging from melodic and emotive downtempo to funky and bassy midtempo to bouncy and euphoric highs. Described as “his own hype man”, he will be there dancing with you all, since he couldn’t stop if he tried.

Blindfolded Contact Dance is a safe and gentle experience—great for both beginners and experienced dancers alike. Wearing blindfolds allows dancers to drop the fear and self-judgment that often inhibits spontaneous movement and authentic connection to self and others.

This workshop/playshop will take participants on a journey of somatic self-discovery and non-verbal consent via solo and group exercises before culminating in a freeform blindfolded jam.


“Most profound experience of my life. This is what the world needs now.”

“A beautiful exploration of touch, movement, and breath. A complete surrender into bliss.”

“This is a very powerful practice of feeling vulnerable whilst knowing that one is in a safe container. It is very healing.”

“I came into this as a shy person that never danced. The blindfold and the instructions made me comfortable to be myself.”

“Blindfolded contact may sound scary but it’s SO accessible and liberating. TRY!”

Candice Holdorf
Candice is a writer and coach with a focus on reclaiming erotic embodiment through exploring shame and shadow. She brings her passion for movement, play, and creative self-expression to her work as a group facilitator. She has trained in various healing modalities such as yoga and orgasmic meditation as well as studied Alexander Technique and theatrical movement while getting her BFA at NYU. theorgasmiclife.com

Gabriel Diamond
Gabriel is a long-time dancer who has practiced many modalities of conscious movement. He has developed a passion for exploring how blindfolds can be be used as a medicine and tool for transcending biases, cravings, and aversions. His work as an artist explores the intersection of activism, street theatre, shadow work, and embodiment. He is the co-founder of Vulnerable Rally. He is a filmmaker by trade with a background in theatre. outsidefilms.com


DJ Gina Longo

Gina has been DJing for fusion since 2012 and loves bringing lush soundscapes to the dance floor. Her wide ranging taste in music and experience with many dance styles allow her to adapt and respond to dancers’ energy.

As a long time participant in both the partnered dance and rope bondage scenes, she is excited to DJ for Everything Everywhere All At Dance!

DJ Maya Light

Maya Light is deeply enamored with the realm of creative expression, supporting others to access and explore the full range of this human experience. As an international DJ, she has adeptly honed the craft of weaving soundscapes for over 8 years, captivated by the tangible conversation she experienced on the dance floor.

She then delved into the art of curating intimate spaces, wholeheartedly embracing the transformative power of group fields as catalysts for unraveling and growth.

She also studied embodied anatomy at the School of Body Mind Centering, where she delved into a yin form of body work emphasizing safety and deep co-regulation, enriching her understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and body. Creating spaces to unlock and seamlessly integrate new pathways is her biggest passion.


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